Our mobile app is for everyone who wants to monetize environmentally actions

The EAAS App is for business and for casual users:

  • for those who are looking for passive income and don not have any capital to put to work
  • want to benefit from staying at the cutting edge of the technologies as blockchain and Zero Knowledge proof
  • care about the future of our planet and would like to profit from the “green practices” they are already doing
  • would like to lower the prices of their electricity and heating bills
  • want to benefit from staying at the cutting edge of the technologies as blockchain and Zero Knowledge proof
  • for those who are looking for passive income and don not have any capital to put to work
  • because sooner than later everyone will be taxed with environmental fees
  • we provide a tool for the users to be rewarded for their pro-living actions
  • constant online - benefits from the tasks. everyon is doing every day like: commuting to work, shopping, sport activities even normal house duties.

The EAAS App rewards users for completing green tasks, sharing their data about practices related to sustainability and expanding their knowledge on pro-environmental actions. The more information the user shares, the better the rewards.

Government and big corporations are paying for carbon credits today, soon everyone person will be forced to count it in life budget. We are bringing this opportunity for mass adoption thans to blockchain validation and technology of tomorrow
The corporations that will be legally obliged to follow the sustainable practices will finance the project’s rewards since it is a more financially viable way for them to be compliant with the Environmental Law.

You can start by downloading the application for iOS and Android. It is quick and easy and does not require any personal data to start gaining.


Reward Allocation Algorithm is our way of motivating and rewarding EAAS App users with Carbon Credits for completing sustainable tasks, participating in community activities and learning about environmentally conscious behaviors.
Additionally, together with our legal framework, the system is a proof of our commitment towards the clarity, transparency and fairness as EAAS.GLOBAL aims to become the most trusted and compliant aggregate of Carbon Credits on the Market.

There are 3 user tiers: APP ROOKIE, APP ACE and DEPIN DYNAMO. The tiers are dependent on the amount of information the EAAS App user is willing to share, with each tier offering increased privileges and prizes as a reward for the more accurate Data we are able to acquire.

CO2 score values are assigned differently for each category (ESG, Carbon, DePIN, Behavioral, and CC) according to the user's tier. The higher the tier - the more precise information about users sustainability practices EAAS.GLOBAL acquires which means These variables affect how many CO2 credits the user earns for performing actions in each category.

We add CO2 score values earned by the user in each category and multiply it by the value determined by the user’s tier.

Users are rewarded with $EAAS tokens (Ri) based on their total CO2 credits earned, multiplied by the CO2 credit price at their geolocation and divided by the $EAAS token price.

The Reward Allocation Algorithm is an essential component in building a robust and active user base. The algorithm supports the platform's objectives of encouraging sustainability and community participation by rewarding users for taking part in environmental initiatives and community development. Algorithm modifications and ongoing assessment are intended to improve user involvement and help create a more sustainable future.

# Legal

Carbon credits, (aka. Carbon offsets) are a mechanism introduced in order to lower the Greenhouse Gasses emissions!
It permits the owner to emit a certain amount of carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases. One Carbon Credit permits the emission of one ton of carbon dioxide or the equivalent in other greenhouse gases ( CO2e). The price of Carbon Credits varies, depending on the country of origin, the financial or environmental situation of the emitter and even time of the year.

Companies that pollute are awarded credits that allow them to produce Greenhouse Gasses up to a certain limit, which is reduced periodically. Mogę Ciebie trochę poddusić jeśli coś to pomoże :3 Meanwhile, the company may sell any surplus credits to another company that exceeded the amount of Carbon Credits awarded to them. This encourages sustainable activities in two ways. Firstly, companies must spend money on extra credits if their emissions exceed the cap. Secondly, they can make money by reducing their emissions and selling their excess allowances.

Carbon markets, also known as emissions trading systems or cap-and-trade systems, are regulatory frameworks established to address climate change by putting a price on carbon emissions. The core idea behind carbon markets is to create a financial mechanism incentivizing entities to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions efficiently and cost-effectively.

Two types of carbon market exist; the regulatory compliance and the voluntary markets.

  • The compliance market is used by companies and governments that by law have to account for their GHG emissions. It is regulated by mandatory national, regional or international carbon reduction regimes.
  • On the voluntary market the trade of carbon credits is on a non-compulsory basis.

As EAAS.GLOBAL, we have set an overarching goal of transparency in our operations and a solid legal foundation based on in-depth legal research and consultation. Our operations are based on already existing legislation of international law and European regulations. This allows us to ensure that carbon credits YOU gained through our APP meet the highest standards and make a real contribution towards reducing the human impact on global warming.

The starting point and reference for any new regulation we consider is Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. The provision provides a framework for how countries can voluntarily cooperate to meet their climate goals. It also enables parties to use international emissions trading to help meet emissions reduction targets and establishes a framework for common, robust accounting rules and creates a new, more ambitious market mechanism. Under Article 6, countries can transfer carbon credits earned from reducing greenhouse gas emissions to help one or more countries meet their climate goals.Another document we rely on is the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. It provides a Guide for conducting measurements to estimate carbon stocks in afforestation and reforestation (A/R) projects under the Clean Development Mechanism.


ESG is used to describe various Environmental, Social and Governance metrics. It is a response to the damages resulting from corporate activity such as: harm to the environment, societal issues and lack of ethics in the business world. As a result of society's growing awareness of aforementioned problems, an increasing number of governments, GO’s and NGO’s have set out to solve them via the legal route, in order to create a more sustainable World.

In terms of scope, the 2015 Paris Agreement is the most important international treaty on Climate Change, with 195 signatories under the auspices of the United Nations. It focuses mainly on the “E” part of ESG, aiming to achieve environmental sustainability through:

  • holding the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels and pursuing efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels
  • increasing the ability to adapt to the adverse impacts of climate change and foster climate resilience and low greenhouse gas emissions development, in a manner that does not threaten food production;
  • Making finance flows consistent with a pathway towards low greenhouse gas emissions and climate-resilient development

The European Union is the global leader in terms of sustainable change. As of today, EU has shown the greatest commitment towards the achievement of the goals set out by the Paris Agreement with policies such as European Green Deal, European Climate Law, Fit for 55 and 3 directives that are an “Industry Standard'' in terms of tackling ESG issues: CSRD, SFRD and CSDDD - with an ambitious aim of reaching climate neutrality by the year 2050 and interim targets of 55% and 90% decrease in GHG production in 2030 and 2040 respectively.

This means achieving net zero emissions for EU countries as a whole, mainly by cutting emissions, investing in green technologies and protecting the natural environment. After realizing those goals, the next step would be to strive towards circular economy and double materiality.

Fit for 55, instead of being a fitness app for older guys and gals, is a framework created by the European Commission! Instead of getting rid of stubborn belly fat or love handles it aims to deal with stubborn Carbon Dioxide producers and unsustainable practices! Instead of lowering one’s body fat percentage, it promises to help EU members reduce their Greenhouse Gasses emissions by 55% by the year 2030. Its main selling points are, among the others:

  • revision to the EU emission trading system (EU ETS) and a creation of the EU ETS 2
  • creation of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) to function in symbiosis with the EU ETS, preventing the offsetting in EU at the cost of countries outside its borders

The 3 main directives that tackle sustainability issues in the European Union. They set out means of ESG reporting, criteria for those who will have to do the reporting as well as the penalties for those who fail to comply.
EU directives are to be transposed into the national law of each Member State.
Furthermore, CSRD, SFRD and CSDDD do not exempt outside business entities outside of the EU from the ESG obligations as long as they meet the criteria set out in CSRD and SFRD.

EAAS.GLOBAL aims to help corporations fulfill their ESG obligations in compliance with the EU Law via the mobile app. Additionally it helps with reporting of those metrics and scores them, alleviating businesses of the issue of writing lengthy documents.

# Carbon Credit

Carbon footprint refers to the total amount of greenhouse gases, including CO2, emitted directly or indirectly by human activities.
It measures the impact of individuals, organizations, or products on the environment. By calculating and reducing our carbon footprint, we can contribute to mitigating climate change and protecting our planet's future. Understanding the impact of CO2 and taking action to reduce emissions are crucial steps towards creating a sustainable future for generations to come.

Carbon footprints can come from various sources, including energy production, transportation, industry, agriculture, and waste. The burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas is one of the main sources of CO2 emissions. In addition, production processes, transportation and destructive agricultural practices also contribute to the growing carbon footprint.

Recognizing the urgency of climate change, the European Union has taken bold steps to address CO2 emissions. Their primary motivation is to mitigate climate change by implementing strict regulations.
These regulations include emissions caps and trading schemes to reduce CO2 emissions from industries and power plants. Additionally, the EU has set ambitious targets for transitioning to renewable energy sources and improving energy efficiency. The main goal set by the EU is to limit global warming to less than 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels set in international agreements such as the Paris Agreement. Each company included in this system must have an allocation for each tonne of CO2 it emits. Moreover, they can be freely traded. Thanks to this, program participants can buy additional allowances or sell surplus allowances if their emissions have decreased.

At EAAS.GLOBAL - the company whose main goal is to pursue sustainable development we believe that projects related to reducing CO2 emissions, projects related to carbon capture, and carbon utilization are indispensable elements of the pursuit of sustainable development. Our app will provide its users - be it private or corporate - a means of decreasing their carbon footprint.


DePIN (Decentralized Physical Interface Network) is a conceptual framework for interactions between physical devices and digital platforms through decentralized technologies.

DePIN are advanced devices specifically designed to measure the output from renewable energy sources like solar panels and wind turbines. They seamlessly integrate with the EAAS App, ensuring that data regarding energy consumption, production, and CO2 reduction is accurately captured and securely transmitted to the EAAS.GLOBAL platform for analysis, scoring, and rewarding.

DePIN connects directly to renewable energy installations, continuously monitoring their output and efficiency. The gathered data is then transmitted to the EAAS.GLOBAL platform, which calculates the amount of CO2 reduced by the user’s renewable energy production.

DePIN provides real-time data that comes directly from the device and is impossible to manipulate. This approach makes DePIN data more valuable for accurate CO2 offset calculations, and DePIN users get more rewards being Tier 1 users (see Scoring). It not only incentivizes further adoption of renewable energy but also provides users with an easy way to capture and quantify the impact of their sustainability efforts without manual actions

Yes, DePIN devices are designed to be universally compatible with a wide array of renewable energy systems, from residential solar panel setups to commercial wind turbines. This ensures that regardless of the scale or type of renewable energy source, users can benefit from precise data collection and rewards. EAAS.GLOBAL inclusive approach aims to encourage a diverse group of individuals and businesses to go renewable energy, driving the positive environmental impact.

Through the deployment of DePIN devices, we are paving the way for a future where renewable energy is not only encouraged but also rewarded, making a sustainable lifestyle accessible and attractive to a broader audience.

# $EAAS Token

The $EAAS Token serves multiple functions: rewarding users and verifying their actions. When users engage in activities that contribute to a greener planet, such as reducing energy consumption or using renewable resources, these actions are securely logged and evaluated by the EAAS.GLOBAL scoring system. The authenticity of each action and its CO2 offset is confirmed within a legal framework, ensuring adherence to the latest environmental standards and regulations. This process rewards users with $EAAS tokens and also verifies their contributions to fighting climate change.

The $EAAS token is a Real-World Asset (RWA),and it encapsulates verified eco-friendly activities and their respective CO2 offsets within a legal framework. However, it’s important to note that while $EAAS tokens represent the impact of such actions, they are not direct equivalents of CO2 credits, because they’re designed to operate within a broader framework of incentives and legal compliance.

With the $EAAS token, we are pioneering a future where greener actions are not only recognized but are also economically rewarded, encouraging more individuals and corporations to take part in our collective journey towards a sustainable planet.

The $EAAS token offers several key advantages:

  1. Reward: Users receive tangible rewards for their actions, encouraging more sustainable behavior.
  2. Verification: The token serves as proof that users’ actions have been verified and scored according to environmental standards, ensuring authenticity and compliance.
  3. Liquidity: Traditional CO2 markets place barriers that exclude individuals and small companies from participating due to stringent eligibility criteria. The $EAAS token democratizes access to environmental asset trading, transforming previously illiquid assets into liquid opportunities. This means users can financially benefit from their actions, offering additional liquidity and earnings from their sustainability efforts.

# Zero-Knowledge Proof

Zero-Knowledge Proof is a cryptographic protocol that allows one party (the prover) to prove to another party (the verifier) that a statement is true, without revealing any information beyond the validity of the statement itself. Within the EAAS.GLOBAL ecosystem, ZKP is utilized to verify that users have engaged in sustainable activities and those activities result in CO2 reduction. EAAS.GLOBAL assesses the environmental impact of user actions, and allows to create cryptographic proof of actions and legally compliant scoring. This proof can then be verified by third parties, such as smart contracts, to distribute $EAAS tokens, ensuring the process is secure, private, and efficient.

ZKP benefits users by protecting their privacy and data security, ensuring that their participation remains confidential. For the overall sustainability mission of EAAS.GLOBAL, ZKP adds a layer of credibility and trust to the reward system. It ensures that rewards for sustainable actions are accurately and fairly distributed, fostering a transparent ecosystem where users are motivated to contribute more actively towards environmental sustainability.

Yes, ZKP is versatile and can be integrated with a variety of third-party verifiers beyond smart contracts. While smart contracts are a common choice for automating the verification of proofs, ZKP can also work with traditional verification entities or other decentralized applications that aim to validate user actions. This flexibility allows EAAS.GLOBAL to collaborate with multiple partners and platforms, expanding the ecosystem and enhancing opportunities for users to be rewarded for their sustainable contributions.